June 01, 2017

BreakMX Tours to Philippines with MIPRO Portable PAs

MIPRO and MIPRO Germany endorse Chris Bohm and Sebi Jaeger and their BreakMX team for a contest held in Philippines in March 2017. Titled “Chris Böhm Jam”, the contest lasts for two days, which was over 4 hours for the first day and another 2 hours on the second day. They were also doing several presentations, several jam sessions and a showcase, everything with BreakMX as Main Act.

The speakers they used in this contest are MIPRO MA-707 and MA-303DB. MA-303 was used over the whole Showcase, and only one MA-303 speaker was needed for the whole performance. MA-707 was used at a street festival in CEBU, where they performed with a local Philippine dancing school directly on the streets.

BreakMX Tours to Philippines with MIPRO Portable PAs

Sebi Jaeger said, “The very best feature of the MIPRO PA is the all-out Portability of the speakers – You can easily take them wherever you go! We had some performance in the Dominican Republic, where we used MIPRO MA-707. Because of its powerful portable sound, we also used the MA-707 at the beach side. And the very best was – we even could take the MA-707 into to the plane as “hand baggage”!! Same for the Philippines now, also with MA-303 – which is even smaller and much more handy. And this State of Portability makes MIPRO PA the first choice for our Shows, Workshops and Street Performances all over the world!”

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